In questa unità presenteremo il ruolo cruciale del piano aziendale, in particolare affronteremo i seguenti argomenti:
- Introduzione al Business Plan
- Componenti chiave di un Business Plan
- Come creare un Business Plan
- Contributo del piano aziendale agli obiettivi dell’azienda
Lesson 1 of 2 within section Introduzione.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Lesson 2 of 2 within section Introduzione.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Materiale didattico
1. Introduzione al Business Plan
Lesson 1 of 5 within section Materiale didattico.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
2. Componenti chiave di un business Plan
Lesson 2 of 5 within section Materiale didattico.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
3. Come creare un Business Plan
Lesson 3 of 5 within section Materiale didattico.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
4. Contributo del Business Plan agli Obiettivi dell’Azienda
Lesson 4 of 5 within section Materiale didattico.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
4. Contribution of the business plan to the company’s marketing strategy
Lesson 5 of 5 within section Materiale didattico.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Risorse aggiuntive
Vuoi scaricare questa lezione?
Lesson 1 of 2 within section Risorse aggiuntive.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Breve presentazione del modulo per i formatori
Lesson 2 of 2 within section Risorse aggiuntive.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Attività.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Caso studio
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Caso studio.
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Lesson 1 of 1 within section Bibliografia.
You must enroll in this course to access course content.
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Quiz.
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