General information
Training materials
1.1. Defining Local and Global Gastronomic Tourism: Local Gastronomic Tourism
1.2. Defining Local and Global Gastronomic Tourism: Global gastronomic tourism
1.3. Defining Local and Global Gastronomic Tourism: Differences between the target audiences
2.1. Best practices examples in gastronomic tourism: City of Lyon
2.2. Best practices examples in gastronomic tourism: Gastronomic Tourism in Euskadi: A Premier Culinary Destination
3. Trends in Food Tourism
4. Connecting gastronomy & culture with tourism
4.1. Connecting gastronomy & culture with tourism: Promoting UNESCO-Listed World Heritage Food Products
4.2. Connecting gastronomy & culture with tourism: Gastronomic routes
Additional resources
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Short presentation of the module for Trainers
Activity 1: Strategic Analysis in Gastronomic Tourism Development
Activity 2: Exploring gastronomic tourism strategies
Case study
Case study 1
Case study 2
Module 2 Quiz